There is this really amazing innovative music duo, Six Impossible Things.  We did a photo shoot a while back, here is the site with some of my images.

And here is a little description.....

Six Impossible Things was founded in 2009 by Jeremy Koch and Molly Orlando Palmiero, brought together in 2004 by a shared interest in contemporary music and a similar electric performing style. This ground-breaking duo has performed numerous recitals and clinics throughout the metropolitan Washington DC area, including widely acclaimed performances at the International Saxophone Symposium and with the Great Noise Ensemble. Comfortable in all genres, they have performed a diverse array of repertoire, ranging from Husa, Wourinen, and Bolcolm to Bach, Faure, and Gershwin. Six Impossible Things looks forward to commissioning new works, collaborating with other musicians, and shifting the perceptions of how classical music is experienced.

You should really check them out!

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